Leading an Independent Church
on September 24th, 2024
We believe that … every local church has the right under Christ to decide and govern its own affairs.That is from our statement of faith, and in this blog I’d like to point out a few things about how our church governs its affairs.We’ve chosen to be independent rather than part of a denomination.  Decisions about our property, our vision, and our programs are controlled completely and solely by pe...  Read More
So Many Churches...And It's a Good Thing
on September 18th, 2024
We’ve all heard complaints about Christianity being so divided.  So many churches!  So many denominations!Shouldn’t there just be ONE Church where everyone agrees on everything?As good as it sounds on paper, the church has never been that way.Early Christians in churches founded by the apostles often disagreed with the apostles!  Many of the letters of the New Testament were written to persuade be...  Read More
on September 10th, 2024
Our statement of faith makes three points regarding our beliefs about the church of Jesus Christ.First, the true Church is comprised of true believers in Jesus Christ.  The “true Church” has no organizational presence in the world, i.e. there is no one denomination or organization that IS the true Church.  People with genuine saving faith in Christ exist within every denomination.The obverse is tr...  Read More
on September 3rd, 2024
Since January I’ve been explaining our church’s statement of faith.  We began with the Bible as God’s authoritative Word.  We took a long time looking at who God is, how sin broke our relationship with God, and finally how the God worked to turn the human race from sin and back to Himself.I turn now to what we believe about THE CHURCH.  If evangelicalism has a deficiency, it is our underdeveloped ...  Read More
Gifts Long Molded Under God's Hand
on August 27th, 2024
In my previous blog (“Gift Lists”) I noted that many believe (a) spiritual gifts are only bestowed miraculously after one’s conversion to Christ and (b) the only spiritual gifts available are those found in the Bible’s “gift lists”.  All other ‘skills’ are not from the Holy Spirit and are ‘works of the flesh’.I have no opposition to the idea of divinely bestowed gifts arising suddenly and miraculo...  Read More
Gift Lists
on August 22nd, 2024
We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to … empower the believer for …service.The Holy Spirit, THE gift given to every believer, works through each believer to serve and bless others, and the particular outworking of the Spirit through each believer we call that person’s “spiritual gift”.  Since every believer possesses the Spirit of God, every believer also has a “gift” of some sort t...  Read More
on August 13th, 2024
Sometimes I wish Jesus could just be here with us like He was in the first century.  But Jesus told His followers it would be better for them after He had left and had sent the Holy Spirit (John 16.7).  The Holy Spirit is working in our lives every day.  The apostles, following Jesus’ explanation, don’t say how the Spirit does His work.  They note its effects.Those times when you feel a boldness t...  Read More
on August 5th, 2024
As our society grows less religious and more secular, the proper understanding of religious terminology is reinterpreted, blurred, and lost.  One such group of lost and dying words are those describing holiness.Most today see religion in broad terms.  Religion is about being “good”, and “good” to us means “nice” or “socially acceptable”.  We tend to measure goodness primarily in terms of friendly ...  Read More
on July 29th, 2024
We have physical bodies, but God’s Spirit does not, and that makes it difficult for us to talk about His working in the world.  We don’t see Him doing His work.  We see only the effects of His working (John 3.8).God accommodates us in our physicality by describing the work of the invisible Holy Spirit in concrete physical terms.  These words are only pictures to help us understand the invisible, n...  Read More
on July 22nd, 2024
Our church’s statement of faith says:We believe that all who believe in Jesus Christ are regenerated, indwelt, baptized, and sealed by the Holy Spirit and so are secured for the day of redemption. We believe that those so secured will persevere in the faith of Jesus Christ and produce fruit evidencing their relationship to God.One of the most common theological I’m asked is whether our church teac...  Read More
The Microscopic Revolution of New Birth
on July 15th, 2024
We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…to regenerate the believing sinner… “Only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.”God saves us from Himself through the sacrifice of Christ.  But He also saves us from OURSELVES through the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit’s work is a lifelong pro...  Read More
on July 9th, 2024
When you want to talk about what evangelicals mean by “salvation” (or “being saved” or “getting saved”), you are talking about two separate but closely related things, because there are two things from which we must be saved.First, we must be saved from God (from His wrath and His righteous judgment).  Jesus did that for us by His sacrifice on the cross, satisfying God’s wrath at sin and turning i...  Read More





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