He Died

He [Jesus Christ] died on the cross a sacrifice for our sins....

We are so accustomed to this phrase that we miss the mind-blowing mystery.
Not the last part of the statement.
The first part.
“He died…”

In the previous blog I explained that we believe “Jesus Christ is true God and true man”.  
He is “I AM”, the One who is, who has life in Himself.
The one who does not die.
Because He CANNOT die.
Yet He died on a cross.

How can God who cannot die DIE???

According to Hebrews 2.9 (interpreting Psalm 8.4-6):  We see Him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.

The writer of Hebrews explains the Christian theology found here:
Jesus was made lower than the angels (i.e. He became a man) “because of the suffering of death” and “so that He might taste death for everyone”.

He became a man so that He would be able to die!

We don’t know how that mystery works.  We are only told that it does.
God becoming man in Jesus Christ allowed “God the Son” to die, to truly die, to experience death.

The Father and the Spirit tasted that loss within their eternally harmonious existence when the Son gave up His life and died.  I AM tasted death.

Why He died and is the next step and the next blog.  But let’s not rush by this incredible truth that the One who can’t die became man so that He could die – and taste death for everyone.

The benefit of His becoming man and of dying was ours.