Community Groups

Join Charlie Gutridge and Mark Dierolf for a lively monthly meetup of the Business Owners Community Group! Every second Tuesday at 7:00 pm, dive into dynamic discussions on business from a Christian viewpoint. Got a question? Just click the Connect with Charlie button and ask away! 
Join Men’s Bible Study with David every other Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
Join Men’s Bible Study with Rob every other Saturday at 7:00 am.

Women’s Bible Study with Jen is gearing up for the fall season. Get ready to connect, learn, and grow together! When classes resume, join us every other Sunday. Arrive at 5:45 pm for Tea and Treats, or come at 6:00 pm to kick off the class. We can’t wait to see you there
Join Joanna every other Wednesday at 9:30 am when classes start again this fall. Keep an eye out in the bulletin for announcements.

Join Becky this summer for Women's Bible Study on Sunday's at 5:45 pm. Check out the "full calendar" under the home tab in the MVC app for summer class dates.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. These are amateur pick-up games and as the night goes on intensity can increase.  16 and 17-year-olds who express interest in playing may reach out to the Volleyball leaders and chat about joining.
Join the guys on the 2nd Friday of each month
at a local breakfast spot. Join their group chat in the MVC app to find out where and when the next breakfast is. In the app, click on the chat bubbles on the top right and click Discover to find the chat!

Join their group chat in the MVC app under Discover in the Message Center
A Singles Group for men and women will meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month starting March 9th at 9:00 am at Michael’s Restaurant in Douglassville.
To learn more about this group or to connect with Sharon, the group host, please use the button below. 

App Group Chats

Do you lead a group?
Use the button below if you would like a chat for you and your group to use in the MVC app. 

Are you ready to start a Community Group?

Groups gather to connect, care, and pray with others going through a similar season of life. We aim to add various community groups to allow more people to connect to others in a smaller setting for prayer and encouragement and to grow in living out our faith in a challenging world.  The good news is that community groups can look different for everyone- maybe a Bible study every other week, a monthly gathering, kayaking, or some other outdoor event. There is no right or wrong way to host a group!

Please fill out the form below if you'd like to start a Community Group. Pastor Chris Hamilton will be in touch with you.